
Factor Captor is a lot of fun, you have to know prime numbers and the factors. When it is your turn to pick a number you want to find a prime number, because a prime number only has two factors, one and itself. At first I didn't know much about the game, so I was just randomly picking numbers, and was losing very badly. Now I know better, and is not that bad at the game anymore.

Arrays are made by dots lined up together, in columns and rows. You can find some of the factors are in the array like the first row is one, and the first column one is always a factor, and itself.

I really liked learning about, prime numbers and factors, we played lots of games about factors and prime numbers, one game was Factor Captor, in Factor Captor you just have to know about factors and prime numbers, I think learning about factors and prime numbers are a lot of fun.

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